
Tri-County Colt Division Rules: DOWNLOAD PDF

Tri-County will follow PIAA rules with the following points of emphasis and modifications:

1. Bats & Baseballs

a. BBCOR -3 is the only bat allowed.

b. Any high school quality baseball can be used for game play. Wilson 1075 Pony baseballs or equivalent are also acceptable for game use.

c. Each team will supply 2 baseballs to the umpires at the start of the game. These should be 2 new baseballs or 1 new baseball and 1 gently used baseball. The home team will be responsible for any additional game balls that are needed.

2. Batting Order

a. Teams may elect to bat 9 players, use a 10th hitter (EH) in the lineup, or use a continuousbatting order of all players present.

b. Teams must use whichever option they choose for the duration of the game. The batting order cannot be changed or altered once the game begins.

c. If batting 9 players, a designated hitter may bat for any position in the lineup.

i. If the DH goes in on defense, it must be for the player for whom the DH is batting.

3. Substitutions

a. If batting 9 or 10 players, substitutes can enter the lineup once – no re-entry.

i. Starters my re-enter once in the same position in the batting order.

b. Free substitution is allowed when using a continuous batting order.

c. INJURY EXCEPTION: Any player not in the lineup may be substituted for an injured or ill player regardless of whether the substitute was previously used in the game.

i. The injured player may return to the game (if able) in their original spot in the batting order.

4. Courtesy Runner

a. A courtesy runner can run for the pitcher or catcher at any time.

b. Players currently in the lineup cannot be used as courtesy runner.

c. If using a continuous batting order, the courtesy runner must be the player who made the last out.

5. Illegal substitutions

a. Player reenters the game without eligibility to do so.

b. Player reenters game in wrong position in batting order.

c. DH enters game on defense while player for whom he is batting is also on defense.

d. Player for whom DH is batting enters game on offense in different place in batting order.

e. Player violates courtesy runner rule.


i. Illegal substitution on offense results in an OUT and the illegal player must return to the bench; second offense same game will result in an OUT and the illegal player will be ejected.

ii. If an illegal substitute is involved in an offensive play, the illegal substitution must be discovered before next pitch by either team. Result = invalidate any actions from illegal player and an OUT is recorded for the defense.

iii. Illegal substitute player on defense must return to the bench; second offense same game will result the illegal player being ejected.

iv. If an illegal substitute is player involved in a defensive play, the illegal substitution must be discovered before next pitch by either team. Result = offense has option to take results of the play or let batter bat again with fresh count.

6. Minimum Number of Players

a. A team may start a game with eight players; if the ninth player arrives he must be inserted in the last batting position.

b. A team starting a game with nine players may finish with eight provided there are no other available players.

c. A team starting the game with ten players may finish with nine provided that there are no other available players.

d. If a team loses a player, that spot in the lineup will be an automatic out.

1. EXCEPTION #1: A team starting a game with 8 players will not be charged an out when the 9th spot in the order comes up.

11. EXCEPTION# 2: A team reduced to 8 players due to injury or illness will not be charged an out for the missing spot in the lineup.

e. If a team cannot field 8 players, or is reduced to 7 players during a game, that team must forfeit.

7. Pitching

a. Game limits and mandatory rest will be determined by innings pitched.

b. The following rules will apply:

i. A pitcher may throw a maximum of 7 innings per calendar day and 10 innings per week (Mon-Sun).

ii. 1 inning pitched = no mandatory rest period

iii. 2-3 innings pitched= 1 day rest

iv. 4-5 innings pitched = 2 days rest

v. 6-7 Innings pitched= 3 days rest

vi. 1 or more pitches= 1 inning pitched. No partial innings for determining rest.

vii. A day’s rest is understood to be the next full calendar day after the game.

EXAMPLE: A player who pitches 6+ innings on a Monday may not pitch again until the following Friday (Tue-Wed-Thur= 3 full calendar days’ rest)

c. NOTE: Per PIAA rules, a pitcher who is removed from the mound but remains on the field at another position may return to pitch again in the same game, provided the pitcher has not exhausted their available innings for the game. If a pitcher is taken off the field, he may not return to pitch again in the same game, regardless of whether he re-enters the game at another position.

8. Games

a. Games will be seven innings. Extra innings will be played if the score is tied after seven innings, unless the game cannot continue due to darkness or weather.

i. At fields where lights are available, it is permissible to turn on the lights to complete a game. The home team shall have sole discretion to decide whether or not to turn on their lights.

b. A game shortened by darkness or weather is considered complete after five innings, or four and half innings when the home team is leading.

c. The decision to call a game due to weather or darkness is the umpires’ alone.

d. If a complete game is called before the completion of the current inning, the final score will revert to the end of the last complete inning.

e. Incomplete games of less than 4.5 innings will be replayed in their entirety.

f. A tie game called after 4.5 innings due to darkness or weather will remain a tie.

g. Mercy Rule: 10 runs after five full innings. Home team must be given opportunity to bat.

9. Call-ups

a. A call-up player from the local association’s 14u team is permitted to play when necessary to field a full roster. The call-up player is permitted to wear their own uniform but must use Colt division approved equipment Called up players do not need to be on the High School division roster. Call-up players  should be identified to the umpires and opposing team manager at the pre-game meeting to avoid any confusion.

b. Call-ups can be used to fill out a team’s roster up to 12 players. If using call-ups to make 10 or more players, the 9 rostered players must start the game and call-ups must be used as substitutions (subject to normal substitution rules). EXCEPTION: If using a continuous batting order, free substitution rules will apply with regard to call-ups on defense, but all normally rostered players still must start the game on defense. Call-ups can then be freely subbed in and out at the manager’s discretion.

10. Crossover players in multiple-team communities

a. In communities with multiple teams, players may cross over and play on either team when necessary to field a full roster. Cross-over players are essentially lent to the other community team for that game only. Cross-over players must be rostered on one of their community’s teams. Cross-over players should be identified to the umpires and opposing team manager at the pre-game meeting to avoid any confusion.

b. Cross-over players can only be used to make 9 or 10 players, but otherwise are subject to the same game play and substitution rules as call-ups.

c. NOTE: Cross-over players cannot be used in the playoffs if a community has multiple teams in the same playoff bracket. If multiple-team communities only field one team for the playoffs players can be used from either roster.

11. PIAA rules will govern all other elements of gameplay. A few items to be aware of:

a. The “31” pick-off move with runners on 1st and 3rd base is legal under PIAA rules. It is not a balk.

b. Any player, manager, or coach ejected from a game will also be suspended for their team’s next game.

12. Standings & Playoff Seeding

a. Playoff seedings will be based on final regular season points totals:

i. 2 points for a win

ii. 1 point for a tie

iii. 0 points for a loss

iv. -1 points for a forfeit loss

v. 0 points for both teams if mutual forfeit

vi. Tie-breaker= (1) head-to-head; (2) total runs allowed; (2) total runs scored; (4)coin flip

b. A team with 3 or more forfeits will not be eligible for the playoffs. This includes games not made up. Exceptions may be made by the league director in the case of extreme weather conditions.

c. Single elimination play-in games for lowest seeds may be employed

d. Rostered players must play 50% of their team’s regular season games to be eligible for the playoffs

e. Any team which forfeits a playoff game is eliminated from the playoffs.

13. Eligibility

a. Team Eligibility – If a team forfeits 2 or more regular season games, that teams spot is not reserved the following season. (exception: weather or injury circumstances)

b. Playoff Eligibilty – Player must play in 50% of regular season games.

c. Showcase Games Eligibility – Player must play in 50% of regular season games and playoffs.

d. Tri-County 1st and 2nd Team Eligibility – Players must play in 60% of regular season games.